Struct xip_ssi#
Defined in File xip_ssi.h
Struct Documentation#
struct xip_ssi#
DW_apb_ssi has the following features:
APB interface - Allows for easy integration into a DesignWare Synthesizable Components for AMBA 2 implementation.
APB3 and APB4 protocol support.
Scalable APB data bus width - Supports APB data bus widths of 8, 16, and 32 bits.
Serial-master or serial-slave operation - Enables serial communication with serial-master or serial-slave peripheral devices.
Programmable Dual/Quad/Octal SPI support in Master Mode.
Dual Data Rate (DDR) and Read Data Strobe (RDS) Support - Enables the DW_apb_ssi master to perform operations with the device in DDR and RDS modes when working in Dual/Quad/Octal mode of operation.
Data Mask Support - Enables the DW_apb_ssi to selectively update the bytes in the device. This feature is applicable only in enhanced SPI modes.
eXecute-In-Place (XIP) support - Enables the DW_apb_ssi master to behave as a memory mapped I/O and fetches the data from the device based on the APB read request. This feature is applicable only in enhanced SPI modes.
DMA Controller Interface - Enables the DW_apb_ssi to interface to a DMA controller over the bus using a handshaking interface for transfer requests.
Independent masking of interrupts - Master collision, transmit FIFO overflow, transmit FIFO empty, receive FIFO full, receive FIFO underflow, and receive FIFO overflow interrupts can all be masked independently.
Multi-master contention detection - Informs the processor of multiple serial-master accesses on the serial bus.
Bypass of meta-stability flip-flops for synchronous clocks - When the APB clock (pclk) and the DW_apb_ssi serial clock (ssi_clk) are synchronous, meta-stable flip-flops are not used when transferring control signals across these clock domains.
Programmable delay on the sample time of the received serial data bit (rxd); enables programmable control of routing delays resulting in higher serial data-bit rates.
Programmable features:
Serial interface operation - Choice of Motorola SPI, Texas Instruments Synchronous Serial Protocol or National Semiconductor Microwire.
Clock bit-rate - Dynamic control of the serial bit rate of the data transfer; used in only serial-master mode of operation.
Data Item size (4 to 32 bits) - Item size of each data transfer under the control of the programmer.
Configured features:
FIFO depth - 16 words deep. The FIFO width is fixed at 32 bits.
1 slave select output.
Hardware slave-select - Dedicated hardware slave-select line.
Combined interrupt line - one combined interrupt line from the DW_apb_ssi to the interrupt controller.
Interrupt polarity - active high interrupt lines.
Serial clock polarity - low serial-clock polarity directly after reset.
Serial clock phase - capture on first edge of serial-clock directly after reset.
Public Functions
inline uint8_t get_CTRLR0_DFS() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s DFS field.
Data frame size
inline void set_CTRLR0_DFS(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s DFS field.
Data frame size
inline uint8_t get_CTRLR0_FRF() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s FRF field.
Frame format
inline void set_CTRLR0_FRF(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s FRF field.
Frame format
inline bool get_CTRLR0_SCPH() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s SCPH bit.
Serial clock phase
inline void set_CTRLR0_SCPH() volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s SCPH bit.
Serial clock phase
inline void clear_CTRLR0_SCPH() volatile#
Clear CTRLR0’s SCPH bit.
Serial clock phase
inline void toggle_CTRLR0_SCPH() volatile#
Toggle CTRLR0’s SCPH bit.
Serial clock phase
inline bool get_CTRLR0_SCPOL() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s SCPOL bit.
Serial clock polarity
inline void set_CTRLR0_SCPOL() volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s SCPOL bit.
Serial clock polarity
inline void clear_CTRLR0_SCPOL() volatile#
Clear CTRLR0’s SCPOL bit.
Serial clock polarity
inline void toggle_CTRLR0_SCPOL() volatile#
Toggle CTRLR0’s SCPOL bit.
Serial clock polarity
inline XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_TMOD get_CTRLR0_TMOD() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s TMOD field.
Transfer mode
inline void set_CTRLR0_TMOD(XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_TMOD value) volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s TMOD field.
Transfer mode
inline bool get_CTRLR0_SLV_OE() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s SLV_OE bit.
Slave output enable
inline void set_CTRLR0_SLV_OE() volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s SLV_OE bit.
Slave output enable
inline void clear_CTRLR0_SLV_OE() volatile#
Clear CTRLR0’s SLV_OE bit.
Slave output enable
inline void toggle_CTRLR0_SLV_OE() volatile#
Toggle CTRLR0’s SLV_OE bit.
Slave output enable
inline bool get_CTRLR0_SRL() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s SRL bit.
Shift register loop (test mode)
inline void set_CTRLR0_SRL() volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s SRL bit.
Shift register loop (test mode)
inline void clear_CTRLR0_SRL() volatile#
Clear CTRLR0’s SRL bit.
Shift register loop (test mode)
inline void toggle_CTRLR0_SRL() volatile#
Toggle CTRLR0’s SRL bit.
Shift register loop (test mode)
inline uint8_t get_CTRLR0_CFS() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s CFS field.
Control frame size
Value of n -> n+1 clocks per frame.
inline void set_CTRLR0_CFS(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s CFS field.
Control frame size
Value of n -> n+1 clocks per frame.
inline uint8_t get_CTRLR0_DFS_32() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s DFS_32 field.
Data frame size in 32b transfer mode
Value of n -> n+1 clocks per frame.
inline void set_CTRLR0_DFS_32(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s DFS_32 field.
Data frame size in 32b transfer mode
Value of n -> n+1 clocks per frame.
inline XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_SPI_FRF get_CTRLR0_SPI_FRF() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s SPI_FRF field.
SPI frame format
inline void set_CTRLR0_SPI_FRF(XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_SPI_FRF value) volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s SPI_FRF field.
SPI frame format
inline bool get_CTRLR0_SSTE() volatile#
Get CTRLR0’s SSTE bit.
Slave select toggle enable
inline void set_CTRLR0_SSTE() volatile#
Set CTRLR0’s SSTE bit.
Slave select toggle enable
inline void clear_CTRLR0_SSTE() volatile#
Clear CTRLR0’s SSTE bit.
Slave select toggle enable
inline void toggle_CTRLR0_SSTE() volatile#
Toggle CTRLR0’s SSTE bit.
Slave select toggle enable
inline void get_CTRLR0(uint8_t &DFS, uint8_t &FRF, bool &SCPH, bool &SCPOL, XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_TMOD &TMOD, bool &SLV_OE, bool &SRL, uint8_t &CFS, uint8_t &DFS_32, XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_SPI_FRF &SPI_FRF, bool &SSTE) volatile#
Get all of CTRLR0’s bit fields.
(read-write) Control register 0
inline void set_CTRLR0(uint8_t DFS, uint8_t FRF, bool SCPH, bool SCPOL, XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_TMOD TMOD, bool SLV_OE, bool SRL, uint8_t CFS, uint8_t DFS_32, XIP_SSI_CTRLR0_SPI_FRF SPI_FRF, bool SSTE) volatile#
Set all of CTRLR0’s bit fields.
(read-write) Control register 0
inline uint16_t get_CTRLR1_NDF() volatile#
Get CTRLR1’s NDF field.
Number of data frames
inline void set_CTRLR1_NDF(uint16_t value) volatile#
Set CTRLR1’s NDF field.
Number of data frames
inline bool get_SSIENR_SSI_EN() volatile#
Get SSIENR’s SSI_EN bit.
SSI enable
inline void set_SSIENR_SSI_EN() volatile#
Set SSIENR’s SSI_EN bit.
SSI enable
inline void clear_SSIENR_SSI_EN() volatile#
Clear SSIENR’s SSI_EN bit.
SSI enable
inline void toggle_SSIENR_SSI_EN() volatile#
Toggle SSIENR’s SSI_EN bit.
SSI enable
inline bool get_MWCR_MWMOD() volatile#
Get MWCR’s MWMOD bit.
Microwire transfer mode
inline void set_MWCR_MWMOD() volatile#
Set MWCR’s MWMOD bit.
Microwire transfer mode
inline void clear_MWCR_MWMOD() volatile#
Clear MWCR’s MWMOD bit.
Microwire transfer mode
inline void toggle_MWCR_MWMOD() volatile#
Toggle MWCR’s MWMOD bit.
Microwire transfer mode
inline bool get_MWCR_MDD() volatile#
Get MWCR’s MDD bit.
Microwire control
inline void set_MWCR_MDD() volatile#
Set MWCR’s MDD bit.
Microwire control
inline void clear_MWCR_MDD() volatile#
Clear MWCR’s MDD bit.
Microwire control
inline void toggle_MWCR_MDD() volatile#
Toggle MWCR’s MDD bit.
Microwire control
inline bool get_MWCR_MHS() volatile#
Get MWCR’s MHS bit.
Microwire handshaking
inline void set_MWCR_MHS() volatile#
Set MWCR’s MHS bit.
Microwire handshaking
inline void clear_MWCR_MHS() volatile#
Clear MWCR’s MHS bit.
Microwire handshaking
inline void toggle_MWCR_MHS() volatile#
Toggle MWCR’s MHS bit.
Microwire handshaking
inline void get_MWCR(bool &MWMOD, bool &MDD, bool &MHS) volatile#
Get all of MWCR’s bit fields.
(read-write) Microwire Control
inline void set_MWCR(bool MWMOD, bool MDD, bool MHS) volatile#
Set all of MWCR’s bit fields.
(read-write) Microwire Control
inline bool get_SER_SER() volatile#
Get SER’s SER bit.
For each bit:
0 -> slave not selected
1 -> slave selected
inline void set_SER_SER() volatile#
Set SER’s SER bit.
For each bit:
0 -> slave not selected
1 -> slave selected
inline void clear_SER_SER() volatile#
Clear SER’s SER bit.
For each bit:
0 -> slave not selected
1 -> slave selected
inline void toggle_SER_SER() volatile#
Toggle SER’s SER bit.
For each bit:
0 -> slave not selected
1 -> slave selected
inline uint16_t get_BAUDR_SCKDV() volatile#
Get BAUDR’s SCKDV field.
SSI clock divider
inline void set_BAUDR_SCKDV(uint16_t value) volatile#
Set BAUDR’s SCKDV field.
SSI clock divider
inline uint8_t get_TXFTLR_TFT() volatile#
Get TXFTLR’s TFT field.
Transmit FIFO threshold
inline void set_TXFTLR_TFT(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set TXFTLR’s TFT field.
Transmit FIFO threshold
inline uint8_t get_RXFTLR_RFT() volatile#
Get RXFTLR’s RFT field.
Receive FIFO threshold
inline void set_RXFTLR_RFT(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set RXFTLR’s RFT field.
Receive FIFO threshold
inline uint8_t get_TXFLR_TFTFL() volatile#
Get TXFLR’s TFTFL field.
Transmit FIFO level
inline uint8_t get_RXFLR_RXTFL() volatile#
Get RXFLR’s RXTFL field.
Receive FIFO level
inline bool get_SR_BUSY() volatile#
Get SR’s BUSY bit.
SSI busy flag
inline bool get_SR_TFNF() volatile#
Get SR’s TFNF bit.
Transmit FIFO not full
inline bool get_SR_TFE() volatile#
Get SR’s TFE bit.
Transmit FIFO empty
inline bool get_SR_RFNE() volatile#
Get SR’s RFNE bit.
Receive FIFO not empty
inline bool get_SR_RFF() volatile#
Get SR’s RFF bit.
Receive FIFO full
inline bool get_SR_TXE() volatile#
Get SR’s TXE bit.
Transmission error
inline bool get_SR_DCOL() volatile#
Get SR’s DCOL bit.
Data collision error
inline void get_SR(bool &BUSY, bool &TFNF, bool &TFE, bool &RFNE, bool &RFF, bool &TXE, bool &DCOL) volatile#
Get all of SR’s bit fields.
(read-only) Status register
inline bool get_IMR_TXEIM() volatile#
Get IMR’s TXEIM bit.
Transmit FIFO empty interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR_TXEIM() volatile#
Set IMR’s TXEIM bit.
Transmit FIFO empty interrupt mask
inline void clear_IMR_TXEIM() volatile#
Clear IMR’s TXEIM bit.
Transmit FIFO empty interrupt mask
inline void toggle_IMR_TXEIM() volatile#
Toggle IMR’s TXEIM bit.
Transmit FIFO empty interrupt mask
inline bool get_IMR_TXOIM() volatile#
Get IMR’s TXOIM bit.
Transmit FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR_TXOIM() volatile#
Set IMR’s TXOIM bit.
Transmit FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline void clear_IMR_TXOIM() volatile#
Clear IMR’s TXOIM bit.
Transmit FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline void toggle_IMR_TXOIM() volatile#
Toggle IMR’s TXOIM bit.
Transmit FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline bool get_IMR_RXUIM() volatile#
Get IMR’s RXUIM bit.
Receive FIFO underflow interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR_RXUIM() volatile#
Set IMR’s RXUIM bit.
Receive FIFO underflow interrupt mask
inline void clear_IMR_RXUIM() volatile#
Clear IMR’s RXUIM bit.
Receive FIFO underflow interrupt mask
inline void toggle_IMR_RXUIM() volatile#
Toggle IMR’s RXUIM bit.
Receive FIFO underflow interrupt mask
inline bool get_IMR_RXOIM() volatile#
Get IMR’s RXOIM bit.
Receive FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR_RXOIM() volatile#
Set IMR’s RXOIM bit.
Receive FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline void clear_IMR_RXOIM() volatile#
Clear IMR’s RXOIM bit.
Receive FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline void toggle_IMR_RXOIM() volatile#
Toggle IMR’s RXOIM bit.
Receive FIFO overflow interrupt mask
inline bool get_IMR_RXFIM() volatile#
Get IMR’s RXFIM bit.
Receive FIFO full interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR_RXFIM() volatile#
Set IMR’s RXFIM bit.
Receive FIFO full interrupt mask
inline void clear_IMR_RXFIM() volatile#
Clear IMR’s RXFIM bit.
Receive FIFO full interrupt mask
inline void toggle_IMR_RXFIM() volatile#
Toggle IMR’s RXFIM bit.
Receive FIFO full interrupt mask
inline bool get_IMR_MSTIM() volatile#
Get IMR’s MSTIM bit.
Multi-master contention interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR_MSTIM() volatile#
Set IMR’s MSTIM bit.
Multi-master contention interrupt mask
inline void clear_IMR_MSTIM() volatile#
Clear IMR’s MSTIM bit.
Multi-master contention interrupt mask
inline void toggle_IMR_MSTIM() volatile#
Toggle IMR’s MSTIM bit.
Multi-master contention interrupt mask
inline void get_IMR(bool &TXEIM, bool &TXOIM, bool &RXUIM, bool &RXOIM, bool &RXFIM, bool &MSTIM) volatile#
Get all of IMR’s bit fields.
(read-write) Interrupt mask
inline void set_IMR(bool TXEIM, bool TXOIM, bool RXUIM, bool RXOIM, bool RXFIM, bool MSTIM) volatile#
Set all of IMR’s bit fields.
(read-write) Interrupt mask
inline bool get_ISR_TXEIS() volatile#
Get ISR’s TXEIS bit.
Transmit FIFO empty interrupt status
inline bool get_ISR_TXOIS() volatile#
Get ISR’s TXOIS bit.
Transmit FIFO overflow interrupt status
inline bool get_ISR_RXUIS() volatile#
Get ISR’s RXUIS bit.
Receive FIFO underflow interrupt status
inline bool get_ISR_RXOIS() volatile#
Get ISR’s RXOIS bit.
Receive FIFO overflow interrupt status
inline bool get_ISR_RXFIS() volatile#
Get ISR’s RXFIS bit.
Receive FIFO full interrupt status
inline bool get_ISR_MSTIS() volatile#
Get ISR’s MSTIS bit.
Multi-master contention interrupt status
inline void get_ISR(bool &TXEIS, bool &TXOIS, bool &RXUIS, bool &RXOIS, bool &RXFIS, bool &MSTIS) volatile#
Get all of ISR’s bit fields.
(read-only) Interrupt status
inline bool get_RISR_TXEIR() volatile#
Get RISR’s TXEIR bit.
Transmit FIFO empty raw interrupt status
inline bool get_RISR_TXOIR() volatile#
Get RISR’s TXOIR bit.
Transmit FIFO overflow raw interrupt status
inline bool get_RISR_RXUIR() volatile#
Get RISR’s RXUIR bit.
Receive FIFO underflow raw interrupt status
inline bool get_RISR_RXOIR() volatile#
Get RISR’s RXOIR bit.
Receive FIFO overflow raw interrupt status
inline bool get_RISR_RXFIR() volatile#
Get RISR’s RXFIR bit.
Receive FIFO full raw interrupt status
inline bool get_RISR_MSTIR() volatile#
Get RISR’s MSTIR bit.
Multi-master contention raw interrupt status
inline void get_RISR(bool &TXEIR, bool &TXOIR, bool &RXUIR, bool &RXOIR, bool &RXFIR, bool &MSTIR) volatile#
Get all of RISR’s bit fields.
(read-only) Raw interrupt status
inline bool get_TXOICR_TXOICR() volatile#
Clear-on-read transmit FIFO overflow interrupt
inline bool get_RXOICR_RXOICR() volatile#
Clear-on-read receive FIFO overflow interrupt
inline bool get_RXUICR_RXUICR() volatile#
Clear-on-read receive FIFO underflow interrupt
inline bool get_MSTICR_MSTICR() volatile#
Clear-on-read multi-master contention interrupt
inline bool get_ICR_ICR() volatile#
Get ICR’s ICR bit.
Clear-on-read all active interrupts
inline bool get_DMACR_RDMAE() volatile#
Get DMACR’s RDMAE bit.
Receive DMA enable
inline void set_DMACR_RDMAE() volatile#
Set DMACR’s RDMAE bit.
Receive DMA enable
inline void clear_DMACR_RDMAE() volatile#
Clear DMACR’s RDMAE bit.
Receive DMA enable
inline void toggle_DMACR_RDMAE() volatile#
Toggle DMACR’s RDMAE bit.
Receive DMA enable
inline bool get_DMACR_TDMAE() volatile#
Get DMACR’s TDMAE bit.
Transmit DMA enable
inline void set_DMACR_TDMAE() volatile#
Set DMACR’s TDMAE bit.
Transmit DMA enable
inline void clear_DMACR_TDMAE() volatile#
Clear DMACR’s TDMAE bit.
Transmit DMA enable
inline void toggle_DMACR_TDMAE() volatile#
Toggle DMACR’s TDMAE bit.
Transmit DMA enable
inline void get_DMACR(bool &RDMAE, bool &TDMAE) volatile#
Get all of DMACR’s bit fields.
(read-write) DMA control
inline void set_DMACR(bool RDMAE, bool TDMAE) volatile#
Set all of DMACR’s bit fields.
(read-write) DMA control
inline uint8_t get_DMATDLR_DMATDL() volatile#
Transmit data watermark level
inline void set_DMATDLR_DMATDL(uint8_t value) volatile#
Transmit data watermark level
inline uint8_t get_DMARDLR_DMARDL() volatile#
Receive data watermark level (DMARDLR+1)
inline void set_DMARDLR_DMARDL(uint8_t value) volatile#
Receive data watermark level (DMARDLR+1)
inline uint32_t get_IDR_IDCODE() volatile#
Get IDR’s IDCODE field.
Peripheral dentification code
inline uint32_t get_SSI_VERSION_ID_SSI_COMP_VERSION() volatile#
SNPS component version (format X.YY)
inline uint32_t get_DR0_DR() volatile#
Get DR0’s DR field.
First data register of 36
inline void set_DR0_DR(uint32_t value) volatile#
Set DR0’s DR field.
First data register of 36
inline uint8_t get_RX_SAMPLE_DLY_RSD() volatile#
Get RX_SAMPLE_DLY’s RSD field.
RXD sample delay (in SCLK cycles)
inline void set_RX_SAMPLE_DLY_RSD(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set RX_SAMPLE_DLY’s RSD field.
RXD sample delay (in SCLK cycles)
Address and instruction transfer format
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_TRANS_TYPE(XIP_SSI_SPI_CTRLR0_TRANS_TYPE value) volatile#
Address and instruction transfer format
inline uint8_t get_SPI_CTRLR0_ADDR_L() volatile#
Get SPI_CTRLR0’s ADDR_L field.
Address length (0b-60b in 4b increments)
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_ADDR_L(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set SPI_CTRLR0’s ADDR_L field.
Address length (0b-60b in 4b increments)
inline XIP_SSI_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_L get_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_L() volatile#
Get SPI_CTRLR0’s INST_L field.
Instruction length (0/4/8/16b)
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_L(XIP_SSI_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_L value) volatile#
Set SPI_CTRLR0’s INST_L field.
Instruction length (0/4/8/16b)
inline uint8_t get_SPI_CTRLR0_WAIT_CYCLES() volatile#
Wait cycles between control frame transmit and data reception (in SCLK cycles)
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_WAIT_CYCLES(uint8_t value) volatile#
Wait cycles between control frame transmit and data reception (in SCLK cycles)
inline bool get_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_DDR_EN() volatile#
SPI DDR transfer enable
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_DDR_EN() volatile#
SPI DDR transfer enable
inline void clear_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_DDR_EN() volatile#
Clear SPI_CTRLR0’s SPI_DDR_EN bit.
SPI DDR transfer enable
inline void toggle_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_DDR_EN() volatile#
Toggle SPI_CTRLR0’s SPI_DDR_EN bit.
SPI DDR transfer enable
inline bool get_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_DDR_EN() volatile#
Instruction DDR transfer enable
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_DDR_EN() volatile#
Instruction DDR transfer enable
inline void clear_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_DDR_EN() volatile#
Instruction DDR transfer enable
inline void toggle_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_DDR_EN() volatile#
Toggle SPI_CTRLR0’s INST_DDR_EN bit.
Instruction DDR transfer enable
inline bool get_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_RXDS_EN() volatile#
Read data strobe enable
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_RXDS_EN() volatile#
Read data strobe enable
inline void clear_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_RXDS_EN() volatile#
Read data strobe enable
inline void toggle_SPI_CTRLR0_SPI_RXDS_EN() volatile#
Toggle SPI_CTRLR0’s SPI_RXDS_EN bit.
Read data strobe enable
inline uint8_t get_SPI_CTRLR0_XIP_CMD() volatile#
Get SPI_CTRLR0’s XIP_CMD field.
SPI Command to send in XIP mode (INST_L = 8-bit) or to append to Address (INST_L = 0-bit)
inline void set_SPI_CTRLR0_XIP_CMD(uint8_t value) volatile#
Set SPI_CTRLR0’s XIP_CMD field.
SPI Command to send in XIP mode (INST_L = 8-bit) or to append to Address (INST_L = 0-bit)
inline void get_SPI_CTRLR0(XIP_SSI_SPI_CTRLR0_TRANS_TYPE &TRANS_TYPE, uint8_t &ADDR_L, XIP_SSI_SPI_CTRLR0_INST_L &INST_L, uint8_t &WAIT_CYCLES, bool &SPI_DDR_EN, bool &INST_DDR_EN, bool &SPI_RXDS_EN, uint8_t &XIP_CMD) volatile#
Get all of SPI_CTRLR0’s bit fields.
(read-write) SPI control
Set all of SPI_CTRLR0’s bit fields.
(read-write) SPI control
inline uint8_t get_TXD_DRIVE_EDGE_TDE() volatile#
TXD drive edge
inline void set_TXD_DRIVE_EDGE_TDE(uint8_t value) volatile#
TXD drive edge
Public Members
uint32_t CTRLR0#
(read-write) Control register 0
uint32_t CTRLR1#
(read-write) Master Control register 1
uint32_t SSIENR#
(read-write) SSI Enable
uint32_t MWCR#
(read-write) Microwire Control
uint32_t SER#
(read-write) Slave enable
uint32_t BAUDR#
(read-write) Baud rate
uint32_t TXFTLR#
(read-write) TX FIFO threshold level
uint32_t RXFTLR#
(read-write) RX FIFO threshold level
const uint32_t TXFLR = {}#
(read-only) TX FIFO level
const uint32_t RXFLR = {}#
(read-only) RX FIFO level
const uint32_t SR = {}#
(read-only) Status register
uint32_t IMR#
(read-write) Interrupt mask
const uint32_t ISR = {}#
(read-only) Interrupt status
const uint32_t RISR = {}#
(read-only) Raw interrupt status
const uint32_t TXOICR = {}#
(read-only) TX FIFO overflow interrupt clear
const uint32_t RXOICR = {}#
(read-only) RX FIFO overflow interrupt clear
const uint32_t RXUICR = {}#
(read-only) RX FIFO underflow interrupt clear
const uint32_t MSTICR = {}#
(read-only) Multi-master interrupt clear
const uint32_t ICR = {}#
(read-only) Interrupt clear
uint32_t DMACR#
(read-write) DMA control
uint32_t DMATDLR#
(read-write) DMA TX data level
uint32_t DMARDLR#
(read-write) DMA RX data level
const uint32_t IDR = {}#
(read-only) Identification register
const uint32_t SSI_VERSION_ID = {}#
(read-only) Version ID
uint32_t DR0#
(read-write) Data Register 0 (of 36)
const uint32_t reserved_padding0[reserved_padding0_length] = {}#
uint32_t RX_SAMPLE_DLY#
(read-write) RX sample delay
uint32_t SPI_CTRLR0#
(read-write) SPI control
uint32_t TXD_DRIVE_EDGE#
(read-write) TX drive edge